12 research outputs found

    Empowering Education: Unveiling The Transformative Potential of Pedagogical Competence for Educator and Learners

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    Paper writing aims to explain the empowering education unveiling the transformative potential of pedagogical competence for educator and learners. Pedagogics is a science that discusses education, namely the science of children's education. So pedagogic explains the ins and outs of children's education, pedagogic is a theory of children's education. Pedagogics as a science is needed by teachers. The task of the teacher is not only to teach to convey or transform knowledge to students at school, but the teacher has the task of developing the personality of his students in an integrated manner. The teacher develops the child's mental attitude, develops the child's conscience or the child's heart so that the child will be sensitive to humanitarian issues, human dignity, as well as the teacher only develops children's skills, life skills in society so that he is able to face all the problems of his life. Conclusion in writing papers: pedagogy competence is a set of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that must be possessed, lived and mastered by teachers or lecturers in carrying out professional duties. This type of research uses qualitative research by means of researchers conducting observations, interviews and documentation with key informants and supporting informants, namely, teachers and students at the Muhammadiyah Kendari Private High School, and the novelty of the results of this research will be useful for the development of science, especially related educational sciences. how teachers and lecturers must master pedagogical competence, social competence, personality competence and social competence.  Conclusion: pedagogical competence has a central role in shaping quality and relevant education. The transformative potential of pedagogical competence not only enriches students' learning experiences, but is also the key to the sustainability and success of the education system in the future. Therefore, continuous efforts in developing and strengthening pedagogical competence need to be implemented as a long-term investment to improve the quality of education


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk medeskripsikan implementasi nilai-nilai budaya sarapatanguna dalam kepemimpinan pemerintahan di Kota Baubau, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi nilai-nilai budaya sarapatangunadalam kepemimpinan pemerintahan di Kota Baubau, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yaitu: 1) di Kota Baubau telah diimplementasikan nilai-nilai budaya malu melalui ungkapan pomae-maeaka, 2) di Kota Baubau telah diimplementasikan nilai-nilai budaya saling memelihara melalui ungkapan popia-piara, 3)di Kota Baubau telah diimplementasikan nilai-nilai budaya saling menyayangi melalui ungkapan poma-masiaka, serta 4)di Kota Baubau telah diimplementasikan nilai-nilai budaya saling menghargai melalui ungkapan poangkaangkataka. Nilai-nilai budaya sarapatanguna tersebut telah diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari serta telah di implementasikan dalam kepemimpinan pemerintahan di Kota Baubau, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, sehingga tercipta suasana harmonis, aman, tentram dan damai

    Implementasi Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) Terhadap Pengawasan Kepala Desa

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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan implementasi fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) terhadap pengawasan Kepala Desa di Desa Hambawa Kecamatan Mataoleo Kabupaten Bombana. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan informan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ketua BPD, Sekretaris BPD, anggota BPD serta Kepala Desa Hambawa Kecamatan Mataoleo Kabupaten Bombana. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi data melalui triangulasi sumber, metode dan triangulasi teori. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara umum, fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa Hambawa Kecamatan Mataoleo Kabupaten Bombana dilihat dari pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsinya telah berjalan dengan baik yaitu: dilihat dari 1) fungsi pengawasan, 2) fungsi penyaluran aspirasi menjadi sarana penyaluran aspirasi bagi masyarakat, 3) fungsi pengayoman adat dengan menjaga nilai – nilai istiadat seperti kegiatan pesta panen padi, 4) fungsi representative dengan menetapkan peraturan desa bersama kepala desa dan menampung aspirasi masyarakat. Namun demikian belum semua fungsi mencapai hasil optimal. Salah satu fungsi yang belum berjalan secara maksimal adalah fungsi legislasi hal ini disebabkan oleh masih relatif rendahnya pengetahuan dan keahlian anggota BPD dalam merumuskan sebuah rancangan Peraturan Desa yang baik bersama pemerintah Desa Hambawa Kecamatan Mataoleo

    Development of Effective Learning Strategies to Improve Social-Emotional Skills in Early Childhood

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    Early childhood education has a very important role in early child development. Education provided in early childhood must be comprehensive, covering various aspects such as social-emotional, cognitive, physical and language skills. However, social-emotional skills often do not get enough attention in early childhood learning. So, this research will discuss the development of effective learning strategies to improve social-emotional skills in early childhood. The focus of this study is primarily qualitative. Listening to and recording pertinent information is a data collection method that can then be used in data analysis steps like summarization and visualisation. Study ii came to the conclusion that developing effective learning strategies can improve social-emotional skills in early childhood. Some strategies that can be implemented and are potentially effective include implementing learning programmes based on children's needs and interests, using interactive and collaborative learning methods, and facilitating a safe, comfortable and supportive learning environment

    What Leader should Do in Keeping Staff? Simplification of Human Resources Management Theory

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    This study aims to develop a model of human resource retention to address the issue of workforce retention that has emerged as the most critical Human Resource Management challenge. It is based on a critical analysis of human resource trends which shows that a shortage of skilled employees will occur. Therefore, an appropriate strategy is needed to win the war or labor market competition. The researcher uses the Research & Development approach by adapting Kalk's spiral development model to the stages: definition, design, demonstration, development, and testing. Researchers involve human resource management experts and refer to previous concepts, theories and relevant previous studies for developing models. The Google Form Online Mailed Instrument was also used to see the responses of the respondents, totaling 128 people. The results of the study formulated the "R&R" retention model by integrating procurement programs and retention programs. By using this model, employee loyalty will always be maintained and the organization will always be in the best performance so that maximum productivity can be achieved. While the response of the participants placed the level of achievement in the R & R model with a very decent decision.This study aims to develop a model of human resource retention to address the issue of workforce retention that has emerged as the most critical Human Resource Management challenge. It is based on a critical analysis of human resource trends which shows that a shortage of skilled employees will occur. Therefore, an appropriate strategy is needed to win the war or labor market competition. The researcher uses the Research & Development approach by adapting Kalk's spiral development model to the stages: definition, design, demonstration, development, and testing. Researchers involve human resource management experts and refer to previous concepts, theories and relevant previous studies for developing models. The Google Form Online Mailed Instrument was also used to see the responses of the respondents, totaling 128 people. The results of the study formulated the "R&R" retention model by integrating procurement programs and retention programs. By using this model, employee loyalty will always be maintained and the organization will always be in the best performance so that maximum productivity can be achieved. While the response of the participants placed the level of achievement in the R & R model with a very decent decision

    Metafora dalam Bidang Pertanian Padi Masyarakat Dayak Buket Kabupaten Kutai Barat Kalimantan Timur (Suatu Tinjauan Linguistik Antropologi)

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    Metaphor in the field of rice farming is not only an unusual form of utterances in a society but also an indication of the local wisdoms of the society using them. This can be seen in the Dayak Buket society in Linga Tivab village, Long Apari district, West Kutai, East Kalimantan, which has strong Dayak cultural background. This research aims at describing the forms and the types of metaphor based on its elements as well as describing the worldviews of Dayak Buket society as reflected through the use of metaphor that they ised in the field of rice farming. This research employs descriptive qualitative method which covers three steps, namely, data collection, data analysis, and result presentation of data analysis. The data collection is executed by recording the utterances, transcribing the utterances phonetically, classifying the according to the kinds of semantic field of metaphor in the field of rice farming, analyzing the forms of metaphor and the description of its types based on the underlying elements, and describing the local wisdoms that exist in the metaphor. This research results in both the exposition of the forms of metaphor of the Dayak Buket society such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, verbal phrases, noun phrases, adjective phrases, and their worldviews which can be recognized from the metaphors that hey use in the field of rice farming

    Metafora dalam Bidang Pertanian Padi Masyarakat Dayak Buket Kabupaten Kutai Barat Kalimantan Timur (suatu Tinjauan Linguistik Antropologi)

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    Metaphor in the field of rice farming is not only an unusual form of utterances in a society but also an indication of the local wisdoms of the society using them. This can be seen in the Dayak Buket society in Linga Tivab village, Long Apari district, West Kutai, East Kalimantan, which has strong Dayak cultural background. This research aims at describing the forms and the types of metaphor based on its elements as well as describing the worldviews of Dayak Buket society as reflected through the use of metaphor that they ised in the field of rice farming. This research employs descriptive qualitative method which covers three steps, namely, data collection, data analysis, and result presentation of data analysis. The data collection is executed by recording the utterances, transcribing the utterances phonetically, classifying the according to the kinds of semantic field of metaphor in the field of rice farming, analyzing the forms of metaphor and the description of its types based on the underlying elements, and describing the local wisdoms that exist in the metaphor. This research results in both the exposition of the forms of metaphor of the Dayak Buket society such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, verbal phrases, noun phrases, adjective phrases, and their worldviews which can be recognized from the metaphors that hey use in the field of rice farming

    Identifikasi Perilaku Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dan Dampaknya terhadap Kinerja Guru

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    Perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, tidak ditentukan oleh keahliannya di bidang konsep dan teknik kepemimpinan semata, melainkan lebih banyak ditentukan oleh kemampuannya dalam memilih dan menggunakan perilaku kepemimpinan yang sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi orang yang dipimpinnya. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui identifikasi perilaku kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan dampaknya terhadap kinerja guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Informan (orang yang diwawancarai) adalah satu orang kepala sekolah dan lima orang guru. Analisis data menggunakan prosedur interasis analisis, meliputi: reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi atau penyimpulan.Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kepala sekolah dapat menggerakkan, mengarahkan dan membimbing bawahan dalam peningkatan kinerja guru. Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, serta evaluasi pembelajaran